- martes, julio 31, 2018
Esta raza tiene sus orígenes en el siglo XIX , descendiente del perro pastor de las tierras bajas escocesas. Tengo el placer de conocer a varios y son encantadores, desprenden pura alegría allí dónde van y se prestan gustosamente a cualquier actividad.
Espero que os guste este colgante en plata pulida brillante y plata envejecida, encargo de un amante de esta raza así que ha sido todo un honor hacerlo.
This breed has its origins in the nineteenth century, descendant of the sheep dog of the Scottish lowlands. I have the pleasure of meeting several and they are lovely, they give off pure joy where they go and they willingly lend themselves to any activity.
I hope you like this pendant in shiny polished silver and oxidized silver, commissioned by a lover of this breed so it has been an honor to make it.
Espero que os guste este colgante en plata pulida brillante y plata envejecida, encargo de un amante de esta raza así que ha sido todo un honor hacerlo.
This breed has its origins in the nineteenth century, descendant of the sheep dog of the Scottish lowlands. I have the pleasure of meeting several and they are lovely, they give off pure joy where they go and they willingly lend themselves to any activity.
I hope you like this pendant in shiny polished silver and oxidized silver, commissioned by a lover of this breed so it has been an honor to make it.
- viernes, julio 27, 2018
Me apasionan las piedras, y en especial los cuarzos en todas sus formas y composiciones, en este anillo he usado uno de los cuarzos más bonitos a mi parecer, un cuarzo rutilado. En su interior tiene hilos de rutilo que le dan un color y unos reflejos dorados muy delicados y especiales, me enamoraron desde el primer día que los descubrí, sólo con mirarlo se ve la energía tan bonita que irradia. Ahora intento usarlos siempre que puedo en piezas especiales como este anillo que acompaña a la piedra con motivos florales, tanto en el labrado como en el calado oculto tras el cuarzo, dándole un aire romántico a la pieza.
I'm passionate about stones, and especially quartz in all its forms and compositions, in this ring I used one of the most beautiful quartz in my opinion, a rutilated quartz. Inside it has rutile threads that give it a very delicate and special golden color and reflections, I fell in love from the first day I discovered them, just by looking at them you can see the beautiful energy that radiates. Now I try to use them whenever I can in special pieces like this ring that accompanies the stone with floral motifs, both in the carving of the ring and in the hidden saw pierced detail behind the quartz, giving the piece a romantic air.
I'm passionate about stones, and especially quartz in all its forms and compositions, in this ring I used one of the most beautiful quartz in my opinion, a rutilated quartz. Inside it has rutile threads that give it a very delicate and special golden color and reflections, I fell in love from the first day I discovered them, just by looking at them you can see the beautiful energy that radiates. Now I try to use them whenever I can in special pieces like this ring that accompanies the stone with floral motifs, both in the carving of the ring and in the hidden saw pierced detail behind the quartz, giving the piece a romantic air.
- martes, julio 24, 2018
Como veis en mis piezas cada anilla o asa va
soldada para que no perdamos nuestros tesoros, en este caso una
gargantilla con una huellita... Cómo me gustan estas pequeñajas...
As you can see in my pieces, each ring or bail is soldered so we don't loose our treasures, in this case a pawprint necklace... How I love these little ones...
As you can see in my pieces, each ring or bail is soldered so we don't loose our treasures, in this case a pawprint necklace... How I love these little ones...
- lunes, julio 23, 2018
Me parece precioso poder coger piezas especiales de oro que no ponemos, transformarlas y darles una nueva vida, siempre irán cargadas de su esencia original pero en una pieza totalmente nueva... En este caso querían una pulsera de eslabones grandes con un infinito y una circonita, la circonita tiene cierto movimiento sobre el infinito para darle un toque especial. Al final le añadimos a la pieza otros tesoros escondidos en el fondo de una antigua caja, unos pequeños amuletos preciosos que encajan perfectamente con el diseño. Este es el resultado.
It's beautiful to be able to take special pieces of gold that we do not use anymore, transform them and give them a new life, they will always be loaded with their original essence but in a totally new piece... In this case they wanted a big link bracelet with an infinity and a zirconia, the zirconia has a certain movement over the infinity piece to give it a special touch. At the end we add to the piece other treasures hidden in the bottom of an old box, some precious amulets that suit perfectly with the design, this is the result.
It's beautiful to be able to take special pieces of gold that we do not use anymore, transform them and give them a new life, they will always be loaded with their original essence but in a totally new piece... In this case they wanted a big link bracelet with an infinity and a zirconia, the zirconia has a certain movement over the infinity piece to give it a special touch. At the end we add to the piece other treasures hidden in the bottom of an old box, some precious amulets that suit perfectly with the design, this is the result.
- viernes, julio 20, 2018
Ya son varias las piezas personalizadas con nombres, aquí os muestro una de las últimas, esta vez en pulsera, creo que quedan super bonitas, ¿no os parece?
There are several personalized pieces with names that I have made, here I show you one of the last ones, this time it's a bracelet, I think they look very nice, don't you think?
There are several personalized pieces with names that I have made, here I show you one of the last ones, this time it's a bracelet, I think they look very nice, don't you think?
- jueves, julio 12, 2018
Hace tiempo que no hacía un colgante Margarita, y tengo que decir que me trae muy buenos recuerdos, me encanta esta pieza...
It has been a long time since I made a Daisy pendant, and I have to say that it brings back great memories, I love this piece...
It has been a long time since I made a Daisy pendant, and I have to say that it brings back great memories, I love this piece...
- domingo, julio 08, 2018
Hay piezas que vienen cargadas de sentimientos desde el momento en que me la encargan, un bonito recuerdo de un alma que siempre estará en el corazón de su dueña... Gracias por confiar en mí para realizar estas piezas llenas de emoción...
There are pieces that come loaded with feelings from the moment they entrust it to me, a beautiful memory of a soul that will always be in the heart of its owner... Thank you for trusting me to make these pieces full of emotion...
There are pieces that come loaded with feelings from the moment they entrust it to me, a beautiful memory of a soul that will always be in the heart of its owner... Thank you for trusting me to make these pieces full of emotion...
- martes, julio 03, 2018