Piezas únicas

domingo, enero 16, 2022

Hay piezas que tardan en encontrar su hogar, algo que no me preocupa porque esperan a su persona ideal, esta lo hizo hace poco... La verdad que desde que se fué esta amazonita, la vitrina del taller está algo vacía sin la bonita y fresca energía que tenía, era una pieza muy especial pero sé que está adornando la vida de alguien digna de ella.

There are pieces that take a long time to find their home, something that doesn't worry me because they are waiting for their ideal person, this one did it recently... The truth is that since this amazonite left, the showcase of the workshop is a bit empty without the beautiful and fresh energy it had, it was a very special piece but I know that it's adorning the life of someone worthy of it.


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''Personas como tú hacen los sueños realidad''
''People like you make dreams come true''
Laura, Lasa joyas.